The Strategic Self Care 101 Online Course for Beginners is a virtual course that teaches the basic components of a Strategic Self Care Plan, why it is important to be strategic about your self care and how to strengthen your self-care muscle on a regulars basis when no one else is around.
-Learn and study at your own pace.
-Comes with a digital Playbook & Journal to track you Strategic Self Care Plan and Journey
-Coordinate with a group of friends, support group, co-workers or a loved one.
-Revisit it whenever you need a refresher or experience a road block in your life.
-Privacy... study privately to prepare for your day or upcoming consultation sessions.
This online training is the best compliment to a live follow up session and Q & A with one of our Certified Strategic Self Care Consultants.
Self Care & Business Care Workshops, Presentations & Speakers Network. We are ready to teach you how to institute practical self-care strategies you can continue to use when no one is around.
Learn Specific Strategies for...
Physicians Attorneys
Parents Youth
Care Givers Accident Survivors
Activists Professionals
Leaders Mothers
Fathers Students
Seniors Teachers
and more!
Upcoming Workshops:
- Strategic Self Care in the Workplace
- Emotional Self Care Strategies
- Strategic Self Care After a Car Accident
and more

The Inaugural Graduation Ceremony:
Participants share their feedback.
At The Self Care Agency, LLC, we believe we need healthy social interaction to be paired with positive learning experiences for the principles of our program to sink in deep. Once a year we conduct a Self Care Intensive Program to train future Independent Self Care Consultants who are ready to practice and share foundation building self-care principles. This was our inaugural graduation class.